Breaking News for IELTS Candidates: Single module retake option starting 2022

There is very good news for IELTS Candidates in November 2022 this good news is from IELTS. This update is going to be very good, which is going to be very auspicious for the IELTS candidate in the future because whenever a student gives the IELTS exam, he has low scores in all four modules, then he has to re-exam. It has to be given after seeing all these, I have given the update on a retake in IELTS.

Right now this retake option is only eligible in Australia but it is not that in future it will not happen for other countries because the IELTS exam is the same for all countries so slowly retake option may be eligible in all countries. 

Look there is no need to despair for this update because as everyone knows IELTS is an international exam. Here it is the same for all the countries. If today he is eligible here in Australia, then tomorrow he will be eligible in the rest of the country as well because there was a lot of demand for IS candidates, and there was a lot of demand for the retake.

As you understand the meaning of retake, if any IELTS candidate today has a low band score in IELTS TRF in any one of the four modules. So he will get the facility through this retake.

Retake means such a system means that if you have a low score in reading, then you will have to give a reading test, if you have a low score in listening, then you will have to give a listening test, if you have a low score in writing, then you will have to give a writing test. Will have to give an exam if you have a low score in speaking then you will have to give a speaking exam only, so in this way, this very good thinking has been planned ahead keeping in view of the IELTS candidate.

Also read: Why do most Indians go to Canada for education, has anyone ever paid attention to this?

Thanks for Reading: Breaking News for IELTS Candidates: Single module retake option starting 2022

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