“Nikki Haley Criticizes Trump and Fellow Republicans for Aggravating National Debt. Her Arguments Are Substantiated.

“Nikki Haley Criticizes Trump and Fellow Republicans for Aggravating National Debt. Her Arguments Are Substantiated.

Addressing the escalating concerns surrounding excessive federal spending, unsustainable borrowing practices, and resulting inflation, former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley underscored the importance of introspection among Republicans.

During the initial stages of the Republican primary debate on Wednesday, Haley remarked, “It is crucial to acknowledge that the responsibility does not lie solely with Biden; fellow Republicans must also shoulder the blame.” She specifically pointed out the Republican support in Congress for COVID stimulus bills and recent expenditure plans. She stressed, “Halting extravagant spending and borrowing is imperative, and the reintroduced earmarks must be eliminated.”

Then, she made a significant declaration: “Moreover, Donald Trump contributed an additional $8 trillion to our national debt, burdening our children with an unforgivable legacy,” Haley highlighted.

Haley’s statement holds true.

In his 2016 election campaign, Trump pledged to eliminate the national debt within eight years. However, upon assuming office, the debt stood just below $20 trillion, and this promise remained unfulfilled. Federal spending increased annually during the initial three years of Trump’s administration, rising from $3.98 trillion in the fiscal year 2017 to $4.45 trillion in 2019. The situation worsened significantly in 2020 due to emergency spending prompted by the COVID-19 crisis. (It’s important to note that during the first two years of Trump’s tenure, Republicans had complete control over Congress, thus sharing accountability.)

By the time Trump left office, the national debt was nearing $28 trillion. Presently, it has reached $32.7 trillion.

THANKS FOR READING: “Nikki Haley Criticizes Trump and Fellow Republicans for Aggravating National Debt. Her Arguments Are Substantiated.

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