You Need To Know When is IELTS exam?

Do you Need To Know When is IELTS exam?

What is IELTS?

IELTS full form is the International English Language Testing System. Through this, the knowledge of the English language is tested. By passing this exam, you can study or work in countries where the English language is spoken. The IELTS exam is conducted in different slots. You can book slots by visiting the official website (IELTS Website).

When is the IELTS exam?

IELTS in Hindi takes the exam 4 times every month at all its centers and a certificate is given to all test takers by IELTS, which is valid for 2 years if you do not re-exam before that. The exam tests the participant’s ability to write, read, listen and speak English.

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IELTS is an international standard test to judge English language proficiency for non-native English language speakers who wish to study or work in a country where English is the language of communication. It was established in 1989. It uses a nine-band scale to reflect the level of proficiency, with half scores like 5.5 possible. It is recognized by universities and employers in many countries such as Australia, Canada, Ireland, the USA, the UK, and New Zealand. IELTS is one of the 2 main English tests in the world. The second is TOEFL.

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