Correct way to rhyme in UPSC exam

Those whom you want to put, put it correctly like the question is hundred and the mini t120 which is put for personality, put it up to 100, that means they will get 72 seconds to solve a question, but Krishna will not only solve 80 questions I won’t even touch 20 questions, he got one to one and a half minutes for the question because he is not able to complete the question,

so he is getting more time, because of that he would have got the answers of four to five questions right because he had more time to think. If you can get time, whoever will do it, he will fix it, keep this in mind and reading speed should be high and the second question is that the right way to apply tu is laughter, it is a scientific thing to put rhyme like if you should be right then you should be right.

You have more chances of passing, 112 is lost, it is your way of speaking, apply it well, but you have to think a little, then negative marking means that if one question is correct, one question is wrong, then your So you will get cut off one third of the mark for getting it right. It means that you mark what you got right, if you answer a single question wrong, then you mark what you got right.

1 questions come in such a way that it is not known in which subject. It has come from the boys get confused, they would have applied Ketu but that skill becomes wrong, the one who asks the question thinks that the one who has applied you should be wrong, so he gives the opposite party question, there are four options, any of the four. Also 1 has to be written, but it is not known which of the 4 is correct, then what to do, no one who gives UPSC exam is able to answer the entire question because no one knows the entire question.

Suppose the answer is 56, then out of that 40 questions can come in 40, whoever says that I have answered all the 56 questions correctly, then it is wrong, it is completely wrong, no one can do this How much do you study but no one knows the answers to the questions completely? They become successful, they study well, but while studying, they also learn how to use rhymes, speak as if you use them well, study thoughtfully, please try to rhyme well.

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